Saturday, August 22, 2009

Prison Injustice

I just read this column by one of my favorite columnists, Nicholas Kristof. I had been reading an ethnography about the prison system here in the States a few months ago and wasn't able to finish it because I was still in college, but the injustice of our criminal justice system has begun to really upset me. If that doesn't speak to everyone, hopefully the economic wastefulness that this column makes apparent at least will.


  1. Very interesting. We always talk about that perry pre school in our early childhood classes. It does seem in the education field a lot of emphasis is shifting towards preventative measures, and early childhood is the main focus. I wonder if more pre schools and the like will start popping up.

  2. Hey there SchnakeKolbas bloggers! Are you familiar with the Critical Resistance movement started by Angela Davis? If you are interested in prison alternatives and the prison abolition movement, it would be worth looking into. Especially considering one of their national offices is in LA. Also, if you ever have the opportunity to see Angela it!!! She is one of the most brilliant and inspiring women I have ever had the pleasure of seeing speak in person. For more information on Critical Resistance (the movement to end the prison-industrial-complex) check out:

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey, no calling people nut cases that other people like on my blog.

  5. True. It was bad manners. Please feel free to delete the comment. Angela Davis is loved by God. My reasons for hating her politics has nothing to do with her personally.
